Saturday, December 24, 2016

WEEK 76 - Update - Christmas Eve

These last few weeks have been really great. We have been getting ready for Christmas. Instead of writing day by day I am just going to write a few notable things.

We decided to make some Christmas baskets full of food that is necessary and basic. Flour, beans, rice, sugar, and stuff like that. The members were SO willing to donate and we filled three baskets full and went and delivered them to families in need.

We had the mission Christmas party, it was really fun to see everyone and have a little fun, but also remember the true meaning of Christmas.

We had the ward Christmas dinner, it was great. We had a few investigators there and they loved it.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Elder Baller

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

WEEK 75 - Photos

Me with Kendric from the Estrada family

Elder Real cut my hair :)

Jose's baptism

Our tree and nativity

Nicole's baptism

Me and my son, Elder Navarro

Helped set up and decorate this tree with the Estrada family

Estrada family

WEEK 75 - Update

This week was great.

We went and visited Rene and Jeny, they are doing really good. We went and visited Yolany, she has a baptism date for this Saturday. We took Jose to the church for an interview to go to the temple.

Changes day. We went and visited some members and focused on Family History with them. It is great to see the people's joy as they can help their ancestors.

We had a district meeting. Kind of a normal day. We had a stake meeting.

We visited Yolany, it was a great. She is doing great and progressing a lot. We visited the Rodriguez family and had a good lesson with them.

My companion got kind of sick. We stayed home for a while and then went and did two visits.

We had church. We went and visited Darlin and Herlin, they are doing really well. We went and visited a reference that we had, Cesar, he is awesome. He has a baptism date for next week.

Have a great week!
Elder Baller