Write to Elder Baller!

Missionaries love mail! If you'd like to write to Elder Baller, here's how to do it:


(here until approximately August 19, 2015)
Elder Aidan Matthew Baller
Bulevar Vista Hermosa 23-71
Vista Hermosa I, Zona 15
Guatemala City 01015

(here from approximately August 19, 2015 - June 2017)
Elder Aidan Matthew Baller
Misión Honduras Tegucigalpa
Col. Palmira Av. Juan Lindo
Fte. Embajada Americana
App: 556 o 3539
Tegucigalpa, Honduras C.A.

Elder Aidan Matthew Baller
Misión Honduras Tegucigalpa
Col. Palmira Av. Juan Lindo
Fte. Embajada Americana
App: 556 o 3539
Tegucigalpa, Honduras C.A.

Pouch letters take longer to arrive but only require one first class stamp to send. Please follow the instructions to ensure delivery. Letters sent by pouch mail go to the Church headquarters, where they are forwarded to the missionary by a private courier. Pouch mail leaves Church headquarters each Friday. Only postcards or one-page correspondence (no envelopes) written on one side of the page may be sent through the pouch. No photographs. Lay the letter blank side down. Fold the bottom of the letter about one-third of the way up the page and crease. Fold the top of the letter to the bottom of the first fold and crease. Secure the long side with two pieces of tape about one inch in from each end, but do not seal the ends. Write your name and complete return address in the top right corner. Affix first class postage in the top right corner. In the middle write the missionary address:

Elder Aidan Matthew Baller
Honduras Tegucigalpa Mission
POB 30150
Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0150

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