Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Week 94 - Q&A

Q&A about Elder Baller's new (and last) area and companion. Enjoy!

1. Where is your new area compared to La Travesia?
It is still in the city (Tegucigalpa), but on the other side.

2. Who, if anyone, in your area have you served with before in your mission?
In the zone, I was with Elder Mataipule in Choluteca but other than him no one.

3. What are the main differences between this and La Travesia, as far as neighborhoods go?
There are a lot of rich people in Las Colinas. Everyone is rich. Everyone.

4. Do you still get fed by members? How often?
Pretty often. When we need dinner the members usually help, we usually end up doing lunches on our own.

5. How many people come to church in your new area?
About 80

1. What is his name?
Elder Barrios

2. Where is he from?

3. How old is he and how long has he been on his mission?
He's 22 and he has about 15 months in the mission.

4. What do you know about his family back home?
His mom is a member and had two marriages, he is from the second. He has 7 siblings.

5. What are three things you love about him?
He is funny. He cooks pretty well. He is very generous.

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