Monday, December 14, 2015

WEEK 23 - Changes

This week was really good. I am not going to be able to do a day by day update as well this week because I forgot my agenda, but here it goes.

Tuesday was my last day with Papa Alarcon. We just did basically nothing. Washed clothes, bought some stuff, and said goodbye to a bunch of people. It was sad.

Wednesday I went to drop off Alarcon at the stake center and then just kinda hung out with some of the other elders while we waited for our new comps. I finally met my new comp, Elder Valladares from El Salvador. He is super cool. He has 11 months in the mission. We just kinda got to know some members with him.

Thursday we had a district meeting and then we worked. We are working super hard and we are talking with so many people it is ridiculous. We put a baptism date for an investigator named Genesis, she is the sister of a member.

Friday we went to Urrutia and we talked with more people. After that we had a Christmas Dinner with the ward. TONS of people came. We were basically running around helping with everything.

Saturday was pretty good. I honestly don't remember anything that happened. We had a stake priesthood meeting with all the priesthood holders.

Sunday was good. Eidy, our convert, gave a talk and it was so fantastic. Hermano Salgado, another convert, got the priesthood. Such a good day.

Hope you all have a fantastic week!
Elder Baller

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