Monday, January 25, 2016

Week 29 - Photos

My comp singing his heart out 

How happy

For real, how happy

Yes, it is cold enough to wear a sweater in Danli

Week 29 - Update

Well this week was actually pretty rough. I was sick all week. I had a fever. I had Chikungunya. I was in the house the whole week from Tuesday until today.

Love you all. Have a fantastic week!

Elder Baller

Monday, January 18, 2016

WEEK 28 - Q&A

1. Are you and your comp healthy this week? 
Yes we are doing great. We are both super healthy. Neither of us really gets sick a whole lot.

2. Has your new house ever been lived in by missionaries before? Or are you the first ones?
It is the first time that missionaries have lived there. But before us, a member lived there, which is kind of interesting.

3. What is something that made you laugh this week?
We made some macaroni and when we were scooping it out, the sound it made. WOW. One of the funniest things ever. We were both literally laughing until our stomachs hurt.

4. You mentioned you dropped some investigators last week. Do you drop them if they aren't progressing?
If they don't progress or they don't come to church after 5 weeks of teaching them, we have to drop them. But they also sometimes tell us they don't want to be taught anymore.

5. Did you burn a tie on your six month mark? And did Elder Valladares burn a shirt? Do you have pics? Tell us all about it!
Yes I burned a tie. I didn't take any pics cause I don't know why. Elder Valladares didn't burn a shirt because he didn't want to. It was exciting... I guess. I didn't really feel too different.

WEEK 28 - Photos

We were so happy to see so many photos from Elder Baller this week! As always, the captions are his own.

Teguc from the temple


Wow. The Temple. So gorgeous!

Dang, we look good. We are so handsome. (Elder Baller and Elder Valladares)

Lunch. A sandwich with ramen, chicken nuggets, beans and like chips.



For P Day today, we climbed a mountain. Super crazy and fun.



I like to think I look good sometimes

Behind the mountain we climbed. We climbed the Piedra de Apaguiz. You can probably find it online.

Me with Danli. Ignore the sweat marks.

Yo. I'm a missionary.

WEEK 28 Update

This week was really good.

We found out that the kids of the people that live in front of us are members so we have been visiting them a little bit. They are way cool. Today was good, but we walked so much.

We went to Urrutia for the first time in a while. It was good but it was BLAZING hot. We were baking up there. Nothing really too exciting.

We woke up super duper early and got on the bus for Tegucigalpa. Such a beautiful place. We kinda just hung out at the temple while we waited. After the temple we went to eat. Then we just drove home. It was such a great day, finally saw Teguc and the temple.

Friday was pretty great as well. We worked a ton today. We went to a far away place and then we came back and worked a ton more. Some weird people that we talked to.

Saturday honestly nothing real exciting happened. We went to Urrutia. We are probably going to baptize Eidy and Massiel's mom. Yay.

Sunday we basically knew that God was testing us. Nobody came to church. All of our appointments fell through, all of our back-up plans fell through as well, and we ended up walking without sitting down for about 6 hours because nobody wanted to listen to us. It was a rough day but there is always something to learn.

Well I am basically for sure almost out of Danli, changes are in 2 weeks. I honestly wish that I could stay another change just to be with Elder Valladares. We get along so well and we work so well together.

Hope you all have a great week!
Elder Baller

Monday, January 11, 2016

WEEK 27 - Photos

A little trail

My comp walking

Mountains in one of our areas

WEEK 27 - Q&A

1. We have sent ties with each package, in addition to the ones you sent and any you may have gotten from other people or bought there. If you could only keep three of your ties for the remainder of your mission, which ones would you pick?
The one from my companion in the CCM, a purple, grey, and black one that the family sent me, and the Honduras flag one.

2. What three words would you use to best describe Elder Valladares?
Hilarious. Small. LOL. And Hard-working.

3. What medicine, if any, does the mission provide for you to take every day? Do you take it?
Nothing that we should take every day, but stuff that we can take when we need it. Just normal medicine.

4. ​How far are you from the Tegucigalpa Temple? Will you get to attend while on your mission?
Aha! Good timing! This week we are going! It is about 2 and a half hours away.... I think.

5. What is something you are looking forward to?
Ummmm.... The temple!

WEEK 27 Update - 6 Months

Well, this week I completed 6 months in the mission. It feels like a long time but at the same time I feel super duper new in the mission.

I don't have a weekly day by day update but this week was really good.

We are focusing a lot on finding new people. But at the same time we are teaching the people we already have. We are working so hard and we get home dead tired every night. We ended up dropping a few investigators this week, which was super duper hard for both of us. One of them especially, but we are finding new ones and the ones we still have are fantastic.

This week we get to go to the temple, which I am super excited about, because I still haven't been.

Have a great week everyone!
Elder Baller

Monday, January 4, 2016

WEEK 26 - Photos

 No captions this week from Elder Baller, but the photos are pretty self explanatory. He and Elder Valladares moved into a new house this week, just down from their old house. He said it's "really nice," but is super messy right now. See for yourself.

Poor Elder Valladares hasn't been feeling well.

Aidan's suit pants were both accidentally bleached while their laundry was being done. Missionary Mall requested these pictures and will likely cover them under their two year warranty. Awesome!

WEEK 26 - Q&A

1. When was the last time you laughed with Elder Valladares and why?
We have a bunch of inside jokes and we are always just saying them at random times. One of the best ones is that all the people here just say "la palabra" which means the word. We will ask them what they understood and they just say, "Well, the word." Which makes no sense, so we always say that and laugh.

2. Six months in - how are your clothes and shoes holding up? How about your feet?
My clothes are doing good. Everything in that aspect is good. My feet are tough and tough.

3. What has been your favorite meal fed to you by members in the mission so far?
Some of the members here know how to cook chicken with spices, who knows what, but it is so so so so so good.

4. What is your favorite smell in Danli? Least favorite?
This is quite honestly the weirdest question I've ever been asked. The best smell is the fried chicken places. Wowza. The worst I would say is occasionally there is just a really nasty undescribable smell.

5. What should we do to be better missionaries at home while you are gone?
For this New Year I want to challenge everyone to bring one person into the church. You have 12 months. And just one person. I know that everyone has at least one friend that isn't a member. Just try. The worst that can happen is they say no...

WEEK 26 Update

Friday was really really good. We moved... We just moved down the street but our old house had a lot of noise and we had trouble focusing. The new house is really awesome but it is a mess right now. We also did a baptism interview for the Hermanas.

We cleaned the font, we worked a little bit but not a whole lot. Then the Hermanas had a baptism, so we went to that. It was great and I actually ended up giving a talk. At night we were organizing the house a little bit and we got a call from the Zone Leaders at about 9 asking us if we could run over to the Hermanas house to give Hermana Rodriguez a blessing (we share a ward with her and her companion Hermana Renteria). We ran over super quick, they live kinda far away but we ran over. It turns out she had felt something bad and she wanted a priesthood blessing. She is one of my good friends in the mission cause we have been in the same zone the whole mission and we were in the CCM together but I thought she would ask for the blessing from my companion... But she asked me to do it. It was hard to struggle through the Spanish because giving a blessing is very different, you have to talk in a different way that I still don't know very well. But it showed me that it doesn't matter, the priesthood is real.

Sunday was alright. One of our converts, Hermano Salgado, got to bless the sacrament for the first time. Which was amazing to see. We are both a little bit sick and my companion has a really bad fever so we ended up resting for part of the day.

Hope you all have a happy new year!
Elder Baller