This week was really good.
We found out that the kids of the people that live in front of us are members so we have been visiting them a little bit. They are way cool. Today was good, but we walked so much.
We went to Urrutia for the first time in a while. It was good but it was BLAZING hot. We were baking up there. Nothing really too exciting.
We woke up super duper early and got on the bus for Tegucigalpa. Such a beautiful place. We kinda just hung out at the temple while we waited. After the temple we went to eat. Then we just drove home. It was such a great day, finally saw Teguc and the temple.
Friday was pretty great as well. We worked a ton today. We went to a far away place and then we came back and worked a ton more. Some weird people that we talked to.
Saturday honestly nothing real exciting happened. We went to Urrutia. We are probably going to baptize Eidy and Massiel's mom. Yay.
Sunday we basically knew that God was testing us. Nobody came to church. All of our appointments fell through, all of our back-up plans fell through as well, and we ended up walking without sitting down for about 6 hours because nobody wanted to listen to us. It was a rough day but there is always something to learn.
Well I am basically for sure almost out of Danli, changes are in 2 weeks. I honestly wish that I could stay another change just to be with Elder Valladares. We get along so well and we work so well together.
Hope you all have a great week!
Elder Baller