Yes we are doing great. We are both super healthy. Neither of us really gets sick a whole lot.
2. Has your new house ever been lived in by missionaries before? Or are you the first ones?
It is the first time that missionaries have lived there. But before us, a member lived there, which is kind of interesting.
3. What is something that made you laugh this week?
We made some macaroni and when we were scooping it out, the sound it made. WOW. One of the funniest things ever. We were both literally laughing until our stomachs hurt.
If they don't progress or they don't come to church after 5 weeks of teaching them, we have to drop them. But they also sometimes tell us they don't want to be taught anymore.
5. Did you burn a tie on your six month mark? And did Elder Valladares burn a shirt? Do you have pics? Tell us all about it!
Yes I burned a tie. I didn't take any pics cause I don't know why. Elder Valladares didn't burn a shirt because he didn't want to. It was exciting... I guess. I didn't really feel too different.
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