This week was excellent.
Tuesday was actually pretty normal. We just worked. We found some new investigators that we are working with. We went to eat at a members house and I was playing with two little girls that are 3. Nazaret and Ashlee. They are so cute and it was so fun to play with them.
We had a conference with Elder Alonzo, from the Area Presidency, which was really good. He talked about baptism and working outside of the box. It was very awesome to hear him.
Thursday we had the best weekly planning we have ever had. We are really focusing on investigators and working hard for each one of them. We have a great lesson with an investigator named Yorleny. We were outside her house saying, Buenas, and she didn't come. So we were about to go do something else and something just told me say it one more time and wait 10 seconds. My companion was like lets go lets go. After about 7 seconds she came out and we have a very spiritual lesson. We also taught Santiago, who is going to be baptized next week.
We had a lesson with two investigators Ronald and Elisa. We really focused on teaching well. They ended up telling us that tons of missionaries have passed and taught them and they felt like with us they had actually learned something. We also had a really great lesson with an investigator named Omar. He is 18 and he is really smart, he is just a little scared to accept new stuff. We were trying to help him with Geometry, yep can't remember anything. We also had a fantastic lesson with Yoeli. She has a sister on a mission and she really is making changes in her life, that is the best part of the mission, is seeing how we help people come closer to Christ.
Elder Alonzo gave us a promise that if we looked for our old investigators, we would find the most positive ones, and we did. That was awesome. Then.... highlight of the week. We had a lesson with an investigator named Carmen Suyapa. She has been going to church for like 5 years but hasn't been able to be baptized because her grandma won't let her. But now she is 18 and doesn't need permission. We basically did a pre-interview with her and asked her for her testimony. Neither of us remember the stuff that we said because they weren't our words, but we challenged her to be baptized and she said yes. So excited.
Sunday we had a multi stake conference for Central America, and Elder Neil L Andersen talked. That was really good. Then we worked with a member in the afternoon.
Hope you all had a great week!
Elder Baller