Monday, March 21, 2016

WEEK 37 - Q&A

1. What is a recent experience where you have seen the hand of the Lord?
Out of the blue I have had people just talk to me and comfort me in some very difficult moments.

2. What is an embarrassing moment you've had on your mission?
ummmm.... when I had to go to the bathroom really bad and we ran to a members house and he wanted to clean the toilet cause it was gross and I was just like. Don't worry about it, I'm about to go right now.

3. What is the hardest mission rule to keep?
Honestly there aren't any rules that are too hard for me. I am trying to be obedient as I can so I don't find any of them too difficult.

4. What is your favorite story in the Book of Mormon?
The stories of Alma and Amulek. My hero missionary companionship.

5. What is the hardest thing about the gospel for Hondurans to accept?
Honestly the Book of Mormon, cause everyone believes in the Bible and they struggle accepting another book.

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