Monday, March 21, 2016

WEEK 37 - Update

This week was alright.

We had a lesson with an ancient investigator, Maholi. She is now more positive and she always listens to us and she is reading the Book of Mormon. We went to the church to put our baptism register in the system, which was really hard cause the scanner wasn't working. We went to visit Carmen and she filled out her baptism register.

We had interviews with President Bowler. We played a game with Hermana Bowler and she asked me to help her and translate for her. It was really fun. We did a pre-interview with Santiago. He is so ready.

Thursday we had divisions with our Zone Leaders. I went with Elder Real from Ecuador. It was pretty good.

Friday we had the baptism interview for Santiago, he bore his testimony of the Book of Mormon and said that it had changed his life. So amazing. After that we worked with two members, we worked in a group of 4.

Saturday we had the baptisms. It was fantastic. First was Carmen's baptism at 4 and then Santiago at 6. I had the opportunity to baptize Santiago.

Sunday I worked with a member, he is the husband of the lady who cooks for us. He is really cool and he went on a mission when he had only been a member for a year.

Love you all. Have a great week.
Elder Baller

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