Monday, May 16, 2016

WEEK 45 - Q&A

1. Tell us about your new companion! What do you like about him? Is he baggy (this is another word for "trunky," which in missionary terms, means looking so forward to coming home, you don't want to work...his new comp is on his last transfer so is super close to going home)? LOL
He is awesome. We get along super well and have so much fun together. He is really smart and knows how to teach really well. He isn't super baggy.

2. What was something great that happened this week?
David's dad went to church. That was awesome. Even better that he liked it!

3. If you could have one thing in endless supply from home, what would it be?
I would really love some Zupa's but I don't know about an endless supply.

4. What is your favorite hymn in Spanish?
118 Asombro me da. It is I Stand All Amazed.

5. What is your favorite time of day? And why?
At about 5 because it doesn't feel sooooo hot and that is right when the best visits start.

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