Monday, May 16, 2016

WEEK 45 - Update

This week was really great.

This was my last day with my old companion, Elder Quintanilla. We spent all day saying goodbye to the members and everyone. He was such a great companion and I learned a lot from him.

I was with my district leader, Elder Cardenas, because his companion had changes as well, so we worked in my area. At about 4 we went to pick up our companions at the stake center. I am now with Elder Jones. He is from Utah and he is really awesome.

Thursday we contacted quite a bit and we visited some old investigators that we had before. We visited a family of three girls that are members and live with their aunt, who isn't a member. We have now been working with them a little more.

We had a district meeting, which was really good. We talked about the Book of Mormon and how to use it better. We went to a ward activity so my companion could meet some new members and so we could meet some people that the members had invited.

We went and did some service in the morning with the ward. They had about 400 trees that we walked around planting in the neighborhood. It was hard work but definitely worth it. After that we went and visited a convert, David, that got baptized last week.

We had church, and David's dad went. Which was kind of a miracle because he had never gone before and he really liked it and said he is going to keep going.

Loving my new companion and we get along super well.
Elder Baller

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