Tuesday, September 6, 2016

WEEK 61 - Update

We visited Kevin with a member. He is a little tough and unwilling to act but we will keep working with him. We visited a member and helped her out a little bit.

Divisions with Elder Judd, our zone leader, that was fun. We visited Rigoberto, he is paralyzed and so we clean up his bedroom a little. We visited Michelle and invited her to baptism. She said yes! We will be working with her for that. We found a new investigator, Sandra, she is positive as well.

We had a district meeting. When we were leaving President Bowler called and said that he had Elder Padilla's mission call so we met with President to get it. He is going to.... Mexico Monterrey West mission! YAY! So excited for him.

We had another visit with Kevin. We had a Family Home Evening lesson with some members and investigators.

We found a new investigator, Nelson, his aunt is a member but inactive. He is pretty positive. We went to the zone leaders baptism.

Nelson and Michelle went to church. After church we visited a couple members and we had ward council. That was good to plan an activity.

Have a great week everyone! Love you all!

Elder Baller

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