Monday, September 19, 2016

WEEK 63 - Photos

Yay! Our first photos from Elder Baller in almost a month! He has had a hard time finding a computer that would let him upload all of the photos he's been taking.


Elder T

Elder Torres and Elder Baller

Valles de Angeles - we hiked up at about 7am

Valles de Angeles

Valles de Angeles

Santa Lucia

Elder Baller & Elder Judd (he reminds me a lot of Ren)

Elder Baller & Elder Judd

On our way to El Picacho

Elder Baller and Elder Judd - we get along really well

Walking to El Picacho

Elder Judd

Elder Judd

View of the city from El Picacho

Elder Judd

Elder Judd with Hermana Powers in the background

Statue of Christ at El Picacho

Elder Foster (our other zone leader)

The city with the airport in the background - notice it only has one landing strip.

El Picacho

This was when we went to do some pottery. This pottery wheel is actually powered by moving your leg.

Elder Judd was taking my pictures

Working on a jar

Pottery the missionaries made - a pumpkin, a turtle, a cactus with a hat (LOL), a bowl of cereal with a spoon, etc

Me, Elder Foster, Hermana Snow, and the guy who helped us

Mannequins the sisters made

Elder Padilla

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