Wednesday, July 29, 2015

WEEK 3 - Q&A

1. I've heard you're not allowed to use your camera at the CCM. Did they totally confiscate your cameras? Are you allowed to take pics outside of the CCM, like when you go to the temple? 

Yep they took them away. Nope we have no cameras.

2. Did they cut your hair when you got there? How often do you get it cut while in the CCM?

Yes, they cut my hair right when we got here. And we get it cut every two weeks if we need to. Which I do. Cause my hair grows like weeds.

3. Do you do your own laundry? How often?

Yes, we do our own laundry every Monday and Friday.

4. Are you able to listen to music at the CCM? Have you used your iPod yet?

Nope, they took all that too. We have zero electronics.

5. What have you learned so far about keeping healthy and safe while in Guatemala and Honduras? Is the CCM water safe to drink? Do you have to take pills every day like Ren did?

Umm I learned that nothing is safe basically. We have to practice not using tap water here. It is safe in the CCM but we have to practice.

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