Thursday, July 2, 2015

Temple with Aidan

On Tuesday, June 9, 2015, Aidan went through the temple for his endowment. He chose the Draper Temple. It was such an amazing experience! I remember hearing from other parents that being with your kids in the temple is one of the best feelings you can have on earth and I have to agree. It was incredible!

This year for Mother's Day, I told Rob and the kids that what I wanted was a date with each of them individually, planned by them. Originally, Aidan gave me a certificate for a movie and dinner. However, after going through the temple, he asked if he could change our date to be a temple date. Of course! He wanted to go back to the Draper Temple to do baptisms since he could perform the baptisms as an endowed Elder. 

So, on Thursday, July 2, we headed to lunch at Zupa's and then headed to the temple. Unfortunately, because we didn't bring our own family names, they turned us away as they reserve temple names for the youth who come to do baptisms. But it was nice to sit at the temple with Aidan anyway. (As an interesting side note, we found out later that about an hour after we were turned away, our ward's Young Women arrived at the same temple to do baptisms. They brought their own family names, but because they didn't have a baptizer available at the temple right then, they were turned away as well. Crazy! Had we gotten there at the same time, it would have worked out perfectly.)

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