Hey guys!
This computer is much much better, but I am the last one to start writing because I let everyone go before me. Soooo that was a mistake cause I don't know how much time I'll have. But this week was really really great.
Since my last email didn't really say much about your questions cause I was kinda flustered I figured I would try and answer some now. In a typical day, we wake up at 6:30 and then have personal study for half an hour. Then breakfast. Then personal study for another half an hour. Then we have personal study for an hour. Then we have class until lunch. Either grammar or gospel. Then lunch. Then more class. Then dinner. Then more class. Then at 7:30 we have personal study. Then at 8:15 we go and do language study on the computers. Then we plan for the next day. We finished teaching our "investigator" this week. That was pretty good. We are getting better and one of the times we practiced with latinos they told us we did perfecto. We are getting more comfortable with our spanish and it is really good. It is still super frustrating cause we will get promptings to say something and I'm like, "uhhhh thanks for the inspiration but I don't know how to say that."
Anyways I love it here. It rains way too much and way too hard. It's insane. It will come out of nowhere and it will be crazy.
We got two new investigators that are our teachers. Erika and Gabriel. Gabriel is really really hard. It's fantastic. Erika was super easy and we rocked that lesson.
Today was P Day was awesome. I can't speak English. We went to the temple this morning which was great. It was honestly so great. I felt the spirit so strong today. Then we went to a market and bought some stuff. It was interesting because it is not like America at all.
All the latinos and the oldest people left this morning. There was like no one here today. It's weird but tomorrow we get 35 new people. 33 elders and only 2 hermanas. I don't really have anything else to say. This week was great. We sing tons because we love it. This experience has grown my testimony so much and I love it.
Elder Baller
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
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1 comment:
I read these twice each. Once as Aidan, as then again imagining if it were from my son. I think this mission thing might kill me. Once it's my turn, I mean. I am sure you know what I mean lol. He keeps saying it's so great and he loves it, though. So yay!
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