Wednesday, August 12, 2015


This week was so awesome! We are getting to the end of this experience and I am so stoked to get out into the field and serve people. I have been praying for opportunities to serve people and boy did I get it. On Friday, they make assignments for new District Leaders and President came and got me, everyone thought that it was going to be me, and they were wrong... I got called to be the Zone Leader for Rama B. Basically I am in charge of the third floor and I have to go around and night and make sure everyone is in bed at the right time. I also have a Botiquin, which is a medicine box, and I have to give out medicine to people who need it. I also get to turn off all the nights at night. It's lovely. It actually is a great experience because it is teaching me patience and service.

We had a devotional last night from President Duncan, he is the Area President for Central America, it was awesome. He talked about how this mission isn't our mission. Which is true. This mission is for all the people we will help and all the people they will help. The church is true. Nothing else really happened this week. This is the last time I will write from the CCM so that is soooooo fantastic. Much love. Miss you all so so so much.

Elder Baller

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