Wednesday, August 12, 2015

WEEK 5 - Q&A (Aunt Edition)

This week, I decided to ask some of Aidan's aunts to write the questions for the Q&A. I only gave them about 30 seconds to give me questions, but they did an awesome job! Enjoy!

1. Susan - What has been your biggest challenge so far?

Language. Good grief. It is so hard to just be thrown into it and be expected to speak it all the time.

2. Susan - What is your favorite thing about Guatemala?

The weather. Wowza. It is perfect. It is about 80 degrees all the time. And it rains. A lot. Like a lot.

3. Susan - If you could bring one thing home with you from Guatemala, what would it be?

My companion. He is awesome. He has become my best friend over the past couple weeks.

4. Susan - Who is your favorite aunt?

I am not allowed to pick favorites cause I'm a missionary. ;)

5. Sharon - Who would win this fight: Elder Speth, the guy who gives the buzz cuts, or Presidente Cox?

Elder Speth. That guy is a rock solid. He is like the buffest kid that I know.

6. Diane - What do you like people to email you about?

Pictures. I always always always love pictures. But just about life too, because I never know what is going on so it's nice to see what is going on at home.

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