Monday, August 31, 2015

WEEK 8 - Second Week In The Field

This week was so great. I am starting to get into the groove of things finally. My Spanish is coming along. Basically I just have a list of things to write this week.

The first is the I have realized that we have the true gospel, we can be bold and confident with our message.

The second is that on Tuesday and Wednesday I went on divisions with our ZL Elder Dalgo. I learned a lot and that really boosted my confidence. While I was there I ended up showering with a pila for the first time. I filled up a bucket with water and used a pitcher to scoop it onto myself.

The other things are there are ants in our apartment, all the time. And spiders. And geckos. What the heck.

On Friday, we had interviews with President, which was awesome.

One day this week, I can't remember cause the days all kinda blend together, but one day we went to a store to get some copies and the lady spoke more English than Spanish, the first person I have found. YAY.

I love writing in my journal. I have never kept a journal before and it is so fantastic. I am so glad that I'll have these memories forever. I also love reading my old entries. In my humble opinion, I am hilarious.

The people here basically worship corn. The festival of maiz was in august. The people are crazy. They love corn so so much and no one really knows why.

The food here is so awesome. Everything I have had, I love. Especially the random combinations that we are able to come up with. Weird weird stuff. I can't even remember what they are.

I am reading the New Testament this transfer. Wow. Good stuff.

Last Thursday, we played soccer with an investigator and a member in the street, it was a very different experience.

The next part is about Sundays. Yesterday they basically asked me to teach piano lessons to the ward... UMMMM no puedo. No no no. But I can kinda play so they asked me to. Also on every 5th sunday of the month, they cook a meal and after church everyone eats in the gym. It was so weird.

The next is about the bathroom. The shower is COLD, which isn't too bad now that I am used to it. The door only decides to close when it wants, which is never. The toilet decides to flush when it wants to, which is very rare.

One family we are teaching, the Valladares family. Oh, they are awesome. They have tons of questions about the gospel. And one of the daughters is learning English, so I am helping her a little bit. Another investigator, Sylvia, wow. She is super buena. Most of her family are members, and she has a son on a mission in Peru. She also has tons of questions about the gospel. She is so good. And another family, the Martinez family. They have a picture of the Honduras temple in their house. They are so prepared for the gospel. I love seeing how the Lord prepares people for the gospel.

A couple other random things. We did service last week -- we dug a hole for this guy cause he is building a house. Yesterday we got into a lovely discussion with some pastors. They basically just wanted to tell us we are wrong. But the stuff they were saying made no sense at all. After, we talked about how they really don't know their church is true, they have just studied so much that they have knowledge.

That's all I have for this week. I love you all and miss you all so so much!

Elder Baller

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