Tuesday, July 26, 2016

WEEK 55 - Q&A

1. How many letters/emails do you typically get each week?
About 20-25

2. What medications/vitamins do you take every day? What, if any, are you supposed to take but don't? ;)
Umm none. Probiotics...... and vitamins......

3. Assuming you'll be transferred out of Yusguare next week with changes, name five things/people you will miss most about the area?
Converts. David. Ward. Ana. Our 'mom'.

4. What was something that made you LOL this week?
My companion told me some really funny stories about a few dates he had been on.

5. How is your belt/wallet/book cover collection coming? 
It is going pretty well. Small but looks nice.

WEEK 55 - Update

This week was really good.

We had a great lesson with Cristian, who will be getting baptized this Saturday, we taught The Gospel of Jesus Christ. We had a good little lesson with an old member. We went and visited our convert Frederman, he is doing really great and he gave us a reference.

We taught another old member, trying to help her out. She is a really great person and we played with her son a little bit. We had a meeting with the leaders of the ward.

The power went out. We had weekly planning outside on the porch because it was so hot. We went and visited a convert, Sandy, and we were able to help her out with a lesson about baptisms for the dead.

Our district leader asked me to teach the class on Friday, so I taught about the Holy Ghost. I felt like it was alright. We went and visited another reference, Delma, she has a ton of great questions about the Gospel.

We had another great lesson with Cristian. We visited another member with the Elder Quorum President and another member. We went and visited Frederman's reference. Great people.

Church was great. We had 7 investigators at church. We went and visited Delma and had a wonderful lesson with her about the Restoration.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

WEEK 54 - Photos

More great (captionless) photos from Elder Baller this week. Some awesome photos from Leandro's baptism. <3

Three of the missionaries in this photo are Elder Baller's friends from the CCM - Elder Garry and Elder Anderson are right by Elder Baller. Elder Pickron has the gray pants on. So happy that they are all in the same area right now and see each other often.

WEEK 54 - Q&A

1. Do the members there wear church clothes/suits to church or just regular clothes?
They actually dress up really really nice. They wear church clothes.

2. Who cuts your hair there? Do you pay for it?
Barber shop. Yep but it is super cheap.

3. If you could have one thing in your pantry there from home and one thing in the fridge, what would they be?
American cereal. American milk.

4. What is something you have learned from Elder Santos?
I have learned how to work with members. He is really good at it.

5. How often do you exercise? What types of things do you do?
Every once in a while. We have a bar so I lift that.

WEEK 54 - Update

Tuesday we had a lesson with a new investigator, Ingrid, it was a great lesson and she accepted a baptism invitation. We went and talked to Porfirio for a little while. It started raining really really hard.

We taught Leandro, the kid that we are teaching that got baptized this week. We taught another new investigator, Irania. She has a lot of questions and a real desire to learn.

We taught two twin kids with their mom. They are the only ones in their fmaily that aren't members but they are all inactive. We had a Family Home Evening lesson at a member's house.

We had zone conference. It was great to learn about how to be better and to all the friends. We had another Family Home Evening.

We went and helped clean the church with some members. Hot, sweaty, hard work but still very fun. We went and taught Irania again. She is looking really positive. We had Leandro's baptism. I got to baptize him and it was a great experience.

We had church. We got called in to help in the Primary today because the kids were going crazy. So we went and sang and colored with them.

Have a great week!
Elder Baller

Monday, July 11, 2016

WEEK 53 - Photos

No captions (yet) for this week, but we LOVE any time we get photos from Elder Baller. He is doing great and looks so happy! <3

WEEK 53 - Q&A

1. What did you do for the 4th of July activity? Who was there?
We went to the beach with some missionaries from the South. We played some sports and cooked some food.

2. ​What has the weather been like lately there?
Hot. Humid.

3. After someone is baptized, how long do you keep baptizing them? Is this a specific schedule/rule, or do you just do it as you need to?
What.... we only baptize people once in this church... I assume you mean teaching. As long as they need. Usually forever, just to keep animating them and seeing how they are.
(Oops...I guess I should pay more attention when writing my questions... ha)

4. Brooke: Do you like me?
I love you.

5. Cole: Are you really safe? (can you tell what we pray for every night? lol)
I am very safe.

WEEK 53 - Update

This week was really good.

Tuesday we went to the temple in Tegucigalpa. It was a great experience.

We met with Leandro, one of our investigators, and invited him to be baptized and he said yes! So he is getting baptized this Saturday. We had a Family Home Evening visit with a family and they invited a bunch of other people. We taught about the Plan of Salvation.

We contacted a lot on Thursday. We were able to find some people and have some fun experiences just talking with people and sharing the gospel. We had a Family Home Evening at one of our converts, Josefina's, house. We talked about the sacrament. It was great to see how much they love the gospel and how much they are willing to sacrifice.

We had another visit with Leandro. He is 16 and he is super cool. He is really good friends with David, a convert, and he is the nephew of Sandy, another convert. So he has some connections to the church. He is doing great and ready to be baptized.

We had an acvitity with the Elders Quorom where we went and visited a bunch of less active members. I went with a member and Leandro to visit a couple families. It was good to visit them and help them out a little.

We had the most people at church in all my time here. 115 was the attendance. The ward is working so hard and it was great to see results.

Have a great week!
Elder Baller

Monday, July 4, 2016

WEEK 52 - Update

This week was really good.

We contacted A LOT on Tuesday. It was interesting to see the way people react to us sometimes. We ended up teaching a few lessons about the Restoration. We visited Ramon and Susana, a couple where the husband is a member and the wife isn't, and we invited her to be baptized and she said she wasn't sure if she could be baptized again, because she already was. At that point my companion was teaching and he turned the time over me to answer the question and I tried to answer.

Our power went out on Wednesday. We went and visited Porfirio. It was great to catch up with him and see how he was doing.

We had a really good weekly planning. We have a couple activities planned to find more people. We visited Josefina and taught a lesson to her and her children. It was a very good lesson. We had a Family Home Evening with a member family about service.

We had a zone meeting. We learned about inviting people to baptism. We taught Brenis, an inactive member that we contacted, and he is really cool and willing to listen.

We planned a giant old investigator search. We had some success looking for some of the old investigators of the missionaries.

We had church. We went and taught Madeline, Josefinas daughter, who we thought was an investigator but is actually already a member. We went and did service for a member family. Chopping down trees.

Have a great week everyone! Happy 4th!
Elder Baller


You've been out a year! Let's have some hump day questions:

1. How many ties have you acquired over the pastyear (approximately)?
Like 45 at least.

2. How many pairs of pants have you been through? (Elder Baller has lost weight, worn out pants, and had some ruined in the "laundry" or tailored incorrectly...we've sent a LOT of pants to him)
Ummmm like 15... or more...

3. One year in, are you a true missionary yet? ;)
I am not a true missionary.

4. What goals do you have for the second half of your mission?
I want to keep working hard. Be a better companion. Serve more.

5. From 1-100, rate your own hump day Spanish skills - writing / reading / understanding / speaking?
Writing 80, Reading 75, Understanding 85, Speaking 75

WEEK 52 - Photos

Elder Baller spent his July 4th on the beach with his district. He couldn't get his photos to send this week, but luckily we got photos from the moms of some of his mission friends. He was extra lucky to be able to spend the day with two of his best friends from the MTC.

Elder Garry, Elder Baller and Elder Anderson - friends from the MTC