Tuesday, July 26, 2016

WEEK 55 - Update

This week was really good.

We had a great lesson with Cristian, who will be getting baptized this Saturday, we taught The Gospel of Jesus Christ. We had a good little lesson with an old member. We went and visited our convert Frederman, he is doing really great and he gave us a reference.

We taught another old member, trying to help her out. She is a really great person and we played with her son a little bit. We had a meeting with the leaders of the ward.

The power went out. We had weekly planning outside on the porch because it was so hot. We went and visited a convert, Sandy, and we were able to help her out with a lesson about baptisms for the dead.

Our district leader asked me to teach the class on Friday, so I taught about the Holy Ghost. I felt like it was alright. We went and visited another reference, Delma, she has a ton of great questions about the Gospel.

We had another great lesson with Cristian. We visited another member with the Elder Quorum President and another member. We went and visited Frederman's reference. Great people.

Church was great. We had 7 investigators at church. We went and visited Delma and had a wonderful lesson with her about the Restoration.

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