Monday, July 11, 2016

WEEK 53 - Q&A

1. What did you do for the 4th of July activity? Who was there?
We went to the beach with some missionaries from the South. We played some sports and cooked some food.

2. ​What has the weather been like lately there?
Hot. Humid.

3. After someone is baptized, how long do you keep baptizing them? Is this a specific schedule/rule, or do you just do it as you need to?
What.... we only baptize people once in this church... I assume you mean teaching. As long as they need. Usually forever, just to keep animating them and seeing how they are.
(Oops...I guess I should pay more attention when writing my questions... ha)

4. Brooke: Do you like me?
I love you.

5. Cole: Are you really safe? (can you tell what we pray for every night? lol)
I am very safe.

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