Monday, July 4, 2016


You've been out a year! Let's have some hump day questions:

1. How many ties have you acquired over the pastyear (approximately)?
Like 45 at least.

2. How many pairs of pants have you been through? (Elder Baller has lost weight, worn out pants, and had some ruined in the "laundry" or tailored incorrectly...we've sent a LOT of pants to him)
Ummmm like 15... or more...

3. One year in, are you a true missionary yet? ;)
I am not a true missionary.

4. What goals do you have for the second half of your mission?
I want to keep working hard. Be a better companion. Serve more.

5. From 1-100, rate your own hump day Spanish skills - writing / reading / understanding / speaking?
Writing 80, Reading 75, Understanding 85, Speaking 75

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