Monday, October 10, 2016

WEEK 66 - Update

This week was great.

We made a little Plan of Salvation map, pictures to come in following weeks. We went and visited a family. We taught Katerin, she is great and we used the Plan of Salvation map. Went and talked with Nelson.

We had a training meeting in the morning. Good instructions. We went to Valle de Angeles to do a baptism interview. We came back and found Nelson, he is having some problems so we are going to postpone his baptism for a while. We had a visit with Diana, she is great as well.

We did a few visits, it was kind of a normal day. We ended up looking for Nelson again and didn't find him but his neighbor, Daniel, was there and he used to go to church and wants to get baptized. We visited Alba again.

District meeting was pretty good. We went to do a baptism interview for the sisters. We went to do two more interviews for the Zone Leaders.

We did a few visits in the afternoon. We went to the Zone Leaders baptism and Diana went with us, that was a great experience and we have a lot of hope for her.

We had church. Katerin and Daniel went. We went and visited Daniel, he is doing great. We visited Milton, Diana's brother.

Have a great week everyone!
Elder Baller

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