Monday, October 17, 2016

WEEK 67 - Update

This week was excellent.

We contacted a bunch of people on Tuesday. We visited a family, the Floreses, that we contacted a while back. They are really interested in the Gospel. The thing that has sparked their interest most is the Plan of Salvation. They love learning and are progressing quite a bit. We also met with Martha. She is one of the member's mom, she is a great lady. She is really quiet, but we have worked with her and she has changed.

Wednesday we had divisions with the Zone Leaders. I went with Elder Foster. We visited Jesus; he is a great guy. He and his kids listened to us teach the Restoration. They had lots of good questions and lots of interest. Jesus told us about how he had prayed and felt like everything was true. We visited Milton and Diana, they are brother and sister. We have been working with Diana for a while. They are both great people.

We visited Katerin. We had been preparing her to be baptized this coming Saturday, but she couldn't go to church so we are going to postpone the baptism. She talked a little about her fear of baptism, but we explained everything to her and she accepted it. We visited Daniel. He is ready - real evidence that the Lord prepares people.

We had a district meeting and then went to do some baptism interviews for the Zone Leaders. We visited Diana. She is doing really good. We have been trying to get her to pray on her own - something she struggles with, but she has grown a lot. We have really seen the Gospel work in her life.

We went to the Zone Leader's baptism, and Diana was able to go! She loved it and seems like she is really animated to do it herself. We visited Katerin again and talked about the importance of baptism and a couple commandments. We visited Martha and talked about the Book of Mormon. If we can convert people to the Book of Mormon it is easy for them to realize the the Church is true.

Church was great. Diana and Daniel both went, They loved it. We went to visit Daniel in the afternoon to prepare him for baptism. He is a great guy.

Love being here. I am loving the work and the people. Being here, it is impossible to feel that Christ-like love for everyone.

Love you all! Have a great week!

Elder Baller

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