Monday, October 31, 2016

WEEK 69 - Update

This week was great.

Saying goodbye to the people in El Sitio. Not the funnest but still it was a good day.

We had changes in the morning, after that we had a meeting with Elder Dallin H. Oaks, it was fantastic. He talked about missionary work in general and a lot about dedicating ourselves completely to the work. Got to know a few people in the new area.

Working. We had a great lesson with a couple, Rene and Jeny, they ask some really good questions. They were asking us about the Book of Mormon and lots of other stuff.

Friday we had weekly planning. We had a great lesson with another couple that had listened to the missionaries like 10 years ago. Plan of Salvation. They are super smart and we were just kind of helping them understand a little better.

We taught this lesson in a pulperia with this guy that was just asking us tons of questions about the church. Very weird. We visited a couple families. The Rodriguez family, great people, we taught the Plan of Salvation and they loved it. They love the idea of eternal families. Watched The Testaments with a recent convert family.

We had church. We go to another building, they made a bunch of changes in the wards and so we go another building. It was great. We went and visited Keylin, an investigator that didn't really want to get baptized, but we talked to her a little bit about that and she changed her perspective a lot.

I absolutely love this work, being a missionary, and this Gospel. Something I always say to people is that sincerely if I didn't believe in this Gospel I wouldn't have left my family and work and studies and everything to preach it. I know it is true.

Have a great week!

Elder Baller

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