Wednesday, November 16, 2016

WEEK 71 - Update

We visited some members that I had never met. We talked to Jose for a little while, and visited with the Estrada family.

We visited a few less active members and were able to help them out a little remembering the covenants they made when they were baptized. We had a Family Home Evening lesson with a recent convert and his family.

We had a district meeting. It was really good, we learned about commitments. We visited the Chacon family, they are such great people. The parents aren't members so we are working with them. We visited Rene and Jeny, they are great as well. They ask such great questions about salvation. We went to a stake meeting. We went to a baptism from the ward. It was great.

We had weekly planning. We watched Meet the Mormons with a family where everyone except the dad are members, they loved it. We went and contacted some references of some members.

We had a fantastic companionship study about the Priesthood. We went to a session of Stake Conference. We visited some really good people. We passed by to visit a family that we felt we needed to see and they said they had been praying so that we would show up.

Stake Conference. One of the counselors in the stake presidency gave a great talk about obedience. We had some visits. We visited a family and talked about prayer with them. They commited to praying together no matter what it takes.

I want to testify of the Plan of Salvation. When we know where we came from, why we are here, and where we are going, this life gets so much more interesting. We value more the time we have. The Plan of Salvation is perfect, God knows us and loves us. We are all children of Him. He knows what we need most.

Love you all.
Have a great week!
Elder Baller

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