Tuesday, November 22, 2016

WEEK 72 - Q&A

1. Who prepares, blesses and passes the sacrament in the wards in your mission?
In all of my areas so far, it has been the young men in the ward - as much as they can. Sometimes the bishop in a ward or we, the missionaries, will fill in. But they try to have young men do it when they can.

2. Is the bread for the sacrament the same as what they use in the states?
They usually use white bread here, but it isn't sliced like ours. It is usually more of a crusty bread, like the consistency of a roll.

3. Do you get asked where you're from a lot? Do people assume you're American?
People always ask. And for the most part, people do assume I'm from the states. What I get asked most often is where specifically I'm from in the states. I've had a couple of people ask if I'm from El Salvador. I've tried to make a joke that I'm from Honduras, because there's a place in Honduras called Santa Barbara where people are pretty light. So I joke that I'm from there sometimes.

4. Is your mission going by quickly?
Yes! It's going really fast. Lots of people say that the days go slow but the weeks go fast. And it's true. There will be days that you'll think, "wow, this day was long. We did a lot. I've got a long ways to go." But then, really quickly, it's Sunday and so it goes really quick.

5. Do you feel safe?
Yes, I do. I've actually never had, really, any problems with safety issues at all, in any of my areas.

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