Tuesday, November 22, 2016

WEEK 72 - Update

This week was great.

We had interviews with President Bowler. It was great to talk to him and listen to his advice. We watched Meet the Mormons with Jose. We had a great lesson with Keylin about baptism and about testimony.

We did divisions with some of the elders in our zone. I went with Elder Espinoza from Peru, to his area. We had a good day and had a great lesson with an investigator about the Restoration.

We did house checks with the couple missionaries. It was great to go around with them and check the houses of the missionaries. We had a meeting with the leaders in the ward about activites that we want to do.

We visited the Chacon family, they are doing really good. We are still working with the parents and baptism. We visited the Rodriguez family as well, they are doing well and progressing a lot.

We had Jose's baptism, it was great and I had the opportunity to baptize him. Marbelline, a recent convert, gave a talk and it was awesome.

We had church. We gave Jose a suit and he looked awesome. He got confirmed and received the priesthood. We had a Family Home Evening with a family and they invited their neighbors, a couple that is really positive.

The power of prayer is real. We can talk to God, that is crazy. We can ask Him for the things we need through prayer. I invite all of you to pray more often.

Have a great week!

Elder Baller

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