Wednesday, March 8, 2017

WEEK 87 - Update

This week was really great.

We went and ran some errands in the zone. We visited Yolany, she is doing really good. She is a great convert and is progressing very well in the Gospel. We visited Gabriela and her cousins. They are doing good.

We had the changes meeting. It was good to see a couple people and hard to see some of them go. We went and visited Daniel, he is doing great and is ready for baptism this Saturday. We visited the Zelaya family. Doing great as well.

We had our district meeting, it was good. We made some goals as a zone for the month of March. We went to our stake meeting. Normal day.

Friday was a normal day as well. We went to visit the Chacon family, the parents aren't members and we were able to talk a little about baptism and we discovered that they have some doubts about baptism and are a little confused so we are going to focus on that.

We went and did a baptism interview for one of the areas in our zone in the morning. It is great to see that our zone is working and baptizing. We went and visited Yolany. We visited Gabriela. Everyone is doing great.

Gabriela went to church with us. She liked it. We went to a ward council meeting. We took the sacrament to a few members. We visited the Zelaya family, they are doing good.

Hope everyone has a good week!
Elder Baller

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