Monday, March 27, 2017

WEEK 90 - Update

This week was really good.

We had divisions with the Assistants on Tuesday. I went to their area and we had a good day. I worked with Elder Solares from Guatemala. We were able to visit a few people and there was a lady that they had never taught before but we were able to visit with her and teach her a little bit. Great day.

We had a normal day. We are working well and finding new people.

We had divisions again with some Elders in our zone. Elder Lee and Elder Maldonado. I was with Elder Lee and we all worked in our area. It was a good day, we were able to contact a little bit with not a whole lot of success but always good to talk to the people. We went and did some baptism interviews for some Elders in our zone.

We went to visit a few families in our area that go to another ward. We had a family home evening with the stake president and his family. They are really good people.

We did a few visits with the stake president, President Pineda. He is a great man and we were able to visit a few families.

We went to church. We took the sacrament to a family again. It was a good normal day.

I love being here in Honduras teaching this wonderful gospel. I am so happy that I have been able to help people here and grow. I know this Church is true and I know that Christ is our Savior. He loves us!

Have a great week everyone!
Elder Baller

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