Tuesday, March 14, 2017

WEEK 88 - Q&A - 20th Birthday Edition

1. Have you ever lied about your age?
Yes. Lots of times people tell me that I look older than I am so I usually play along with it.

2. What is your most memorable birthday? And why?
My most memorable birthday was when my mom threw me a surprise birthday party. I think it was my 16th. It was a fun time and I was super surprised.

3. Would you rather have a piñata or a cake?
Right now piñata because I can't really eat cake....Or I at least don't enjoy it.

4. Has anyone ever done something extra special for you on your birthday?
Yes. My mother every year.

5. When is the best time of the year to have a birthday?
May birthdays are the best.
It's the perfect time.
Weather is always nice.
Perfect amount of time before and after Christmas.
Almost finishing school.
Everyone is happy.

6. Who is the first person to wish you Happy Birthday this year?
My son. He called me this morning.

7. Where do you think you'll be living on your next birthday?

8. What is your goal for the next year?
Start college. Get used to normal life.

9. What did you do in the last year that you're most proud of?
I have gained a greater knowledge of the gospel.

10. If you could have anything for your birthday this year, what would it be?
Mac & cheese from Panera

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