Hey everyone, this week was really great!
On Tuesday we went and got to know an RM that got home on Tuesday, Noé. He is super cool and the ward did a little welcome home thing for him. It was great.
We had interviews with President Bowler, which was great. I talked with Hermana Bowler because I had been feeling sick for a few days and she told me to only eat potatoes, rice, bread, and bananas for two days and to have a test done.
We did the baptism interview for Astrid on Thursday, we went with the Zone Leaders and she ended up not being there. They had another interview to do, so I went with one of them to Paraíso, while the other stayed with Alarcón to wait for her. We didn't get back until super late, but it was fun.
Friday we talked with Eidy, our convert, and she went to the temple on Thursday and did baptisms for the dead. She is so great. She is going to take her family names the next time she goes, which might be this week!
Saturday we went and helped some Hermanas in our zone move because they were changing houses and needed some men. Haha. We were the only guys there and ended up carrying a ton of heavy heavy stuff. After that, the nurse of the mission called to give me the results of my test, and I have a parasite. Don't worry mom. It is no big deal. Just 2 pills a day for the rest of my life and that's all. No just kidding. 2 pills a day for 3 days and that's all. We had the baptism for Astrid and it was great. I got to do it again, everyone asks for me. My companion says it is because I have the face of an angel.
Sunday was normal, church. Church was really really good. I was feeling super super sore all day long, but it was a really good day. We worked a lot with members.
Love you all. Miss you all.
Elder Baller