Monday, November 16, 2015

WEEK 19 - Photos

Selfie - I got a haircut

I was reading the Liahona, and I found Grandma Ferguson. I'm like 90% sure it's her. It was in a section about Visiting Teaching. I wanted to see if you guys think it is too. Weird.

This is a soup we made. It's just water with beans, potatoes, rice, spices and mantequilla. It was way good.

We made kind of like pupusas, mixed with something that's Honduran called catrachas. This was actually pretty good... kind of. A catracha is like a fried tortilla with beans on it. And the white stuff on top is queso -- cheese. But it's different from in the states. And then that is mantequilla on top. The problem with this one was that my companion made the dough and put way too much salt. And we fry the beans in something called sofrito. And this time, we used one bag of beans and one bag of sofrito. So it was way too much sofrito. It was crazy flavorful. We made them again today and it was better. Today we put cheese inside of them like actual pupusas.

The sky here is very beautiful. These are typical houses here. The windows here are all barred. 

The building you see is a house and the building to the left of the house is a tobacco factory. The barbed wire is typical on all the fences here. These two pictures together and it's a panorama. The sky is so different but it's right next to each other. I love the sky here!

This was my dinner Saturday night. Super good. Yes, that is a Coca Cola. I drink it when I am feeling sick. I made this by cooking the spaghetti and scrambling and egg with it. Then I threw it all in a pan with some butter and corn. Mixed it up, seasoned it with salt, pepper and vinegar. It was super good. It looks boring, but it was really good.

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