Monday, November 2, 2015

WEEK 17 - Q&A

1. How does money work on your mission? How much do you get per week? How do you and Elder Alarcon split up the expenses? What do you have to pay for? 
We get 2400 every 15 days, which is like 140 dollars. Stuff we are both going to use we pay half and half. Everything else is just personal. With this we pay for food, cleaning stuff, transportation, and haircuts. That's it.

2. What is your favorite chore to do now that you are away from home? Least favorite?
My favorite chore is probably washing clothes because it is so different and it is not like anything we have in the states. My least favorite is taking out the trash because it is always horrible and covered in insects.

3. You mentioned a meeting about health and safety. What did you learn?
We learned a lot about how we need to clean and prepare food. And a lot a lot about mosquitos, the killer insect here.

4. You also mentioned the mission (or area) was getting back to the basics. What are the basics you're getting back to?
We are focusing more on working with members and stregthening them. Also we are focusing on talking with as many people as we can. President promised us that if we talked with 10 more people everyday than we normally would, our baptisms would double.

5. Who is your zone leader? I noticed Elder Garry in a photo with you. Do you get to see him? Do you see anyone else from the CCM?
Our zone leaders right now are Elder Dalgo and Elder Pearson. Elder Garry is in Valle Verde so I see him at zone conference every three months but other than that I haven't seen anyone from the CCM because we only work with our zone.

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