Monday, November 9, 2015

WEEK 18 - Photos

As always, captions by Elder Baller himself. :)

Food that I made on Friday. Rice, eggs, beans and tortillas. Tortillas come in a little bag that you buy and they are super cheap. That is about 10 or 11 corn tortillas for 5 lemps (lempira), which is about 25 cents. The rice was awful -- it tasted like nothing. I didn't have enough beans. And I had way too many tortillas. But it actually was really good.
This was my dinner that night. What you see here is what you would call orange juice in a Christmas glass, two pieces of beef jerky and those things in the bag are called rosquios (sp?). They are kind of like a donut, but they're crunchy. And they don't really have a flavor, but they're really good. And the paper that you see there is our DATs that we do every day. That's for our district.

These next two pictures are what happen when you are in the mission. This is a mixture of blisters and blisters with the skin torn off. Our ward mission leader told me to wash my hands in water and vinegar. The ones that were already open, I cleaned with hydrogen peroxide. That hurt. Then he wrapped it like this for the night. My hands are a lot better now.

Selfie of me eating my dinner on my bed. I haven't even made it through one tub of peanut butter yet, and I have about seven. Pretend that this picture is anything attractive. Wow. Let's note a few things. My hair is very swooshed. Wow. I'm cutting it tomorrow because it's really long. My facial hair grows way too fast. I cut myself shaving the other day, so I have a cut. I for some reason, have a worm head, because my neck is in a very odd position. I have very odd eyes in this picture. Wow. Now that I've described it, I can't delete it, but I do not approve this photo to be shared with anyone but the family. (Mom note: oops... I had already posted the pic before I got the caption. And I'm making the executive decision to leave it, because he looks so cute and the caption is awesome. LOL)

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