Monday, November 30, 2015

WEEK 21 - Q&A

1. What did you do for Thanksgiving? Did you even realize it was Thanksgiving? :)
We honestly didn't do anything different. Except for talk about it. And we imitated the First Thanksgiving when I gave my companion a bag of chips and he gave me some cookies.

2. Do people decorate for Christmas in Honduras?
Yes, there are houses already decorated. Some really pretty Christmas trees and lights in most of the windows.

3. How are you and Elder Alarcon spending your last week together? Any special plans?
We aren't going to really change anything. We are going to spend some time resting because Elder Alarcón told his mom he would get back some health and strength.

4. If you don't get transferred from Danli, will you go to the mission home for changes, or will they just send the new companion down to you?
It depends, if I am training, which I have heard is a possibility, basically everyone tells me I am going to train, I will go for sure for sure. If not it depends -- sometimes you go, sometimes not. I really want to be there to say goodbye to a few people that I will probably never see again.

5. If you could choose to have Norte or a Native companion next, what would you choose?
First, love the super gringo Norte. I would actually like to train a gringo. I would like to have my little white son lol.

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