Monday, November 30, 2015

WEEK 21 - Photos

Elder Baller here with your weekly captions for pictures.

First is my early Christmas present for the fam. Parts of this are very poorly done. Mostly Manolo. I think that Maria is actually pretty good though, pretty solid. This is my early, and possibly my only, Christmas present to the family.
(Mom note: Book of Life is one of our family's favorite movies -- Aidan and Brooke used to watch it together all the time.)
 I have done another photo shoot, because it's fun.
"Thanksgiving Day Smiles"
We'll say that I took this picture on Thanksgiving even though I forgot.

I was trying to take a certain picture and I set up the timer and it went off quicker than I thought.

"Thanks, Mom!"
Mom sent me the sheet music to this song and I'm very happy.

I think I look super super fly right there. And yes, you may have noticed that my hair is very long right now. We didn't have time to cut it last week. You all know that my hair grows super, super fast. 

The famous bridge of Los Arcos (The Arches, in English). On Saturday, we went to give an Hermana a blessing. She has dengue, which is very sad. She can't walk very well and is in a lot of pain. And then, another set of Hermanas that live in Los Arcos asked us to bless their house, to dedicate their house. They haven't been able to find anyone in their ward who could do it. So, we went to another set of Hermanas' house and asked them how to get there. They said to walk down a road to a wooden bridge. And that the bridge would be really ugly. So, we were expecting an actual wooden bridge, like an ugly old bridge. And this is what we found. Those boards literally bent every time we stepped on them and the bridge would move a little. But I liked the picture. All of Danli is like this. Super green and I thought the bridge looked actually sort of cool.

No caption was provided for this, but I'm guessing Aidan drew this. Love it.

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