Monday, October 26, 2015

WEEK 16 - Q&A

1. Do you send a weekly report to President Bowler? How long is it and what info do you include?
We all write an email weekly to President. I honestly don't write a whole lot, but basically just how I feel.

2. What was something that made you laugh this week?
Kids always make me laugh and they love me so I am always playing and talking to them.

3. Tell me more about Elder Alarcon. How many siblings does he have? Has he been a member all his life? What are his plans after his mission?
He has two older sisters. He has been a member all his life, almost, but he was inactive for many years. He is going to get married, obvi, and study to become a doctor.

4. What specific things are on your P day agenda? How do you get to each place/errand?
Normally we write and buy stuff at the grocery store. We walk or take a taxi always. Sometimes we play soccer or basketball, stuff like that.

5. How many wards/branches attend the stake center by you? Do you attend all of them? Rotate between them?
Just our ward attends the stake center. There are 6 buildings in Danli. Ours, Los Arcos, Bella Vista, Conce, Buena Esperanza, and Paraiso. Each has it's own ward.

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