Monday, October 19, 2015

WEEK 15 - Photos

I have added Aidan's captions to these photos in his own words. <3

This is a picture of a printed picture from a baptism because I couldn't take any with my camera.

This is a view in an area called Ocoba (sp?)

Selfie from yours truly

The aftermath of doing service. It was so muddy that the mud seeped through my shoes and my socks. It got my feet so dirty, as you can see.

You've heard of farmer's tan. This is the missionary service tan. Line from my shorts, line from my socks. This hurt pretty bad. My neck is actually worse. 

I wrote all of these colors in English and Spanish with my comp

All the body parts. I thought you guys might enjoy the picture of the face in the top right corner. Kinda funny.

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