Monday, October 12, 2015

WEEK 14 - Fantastic Week

This week was fantastic.

Tuesday we had the opportunity to go to Urrutia, which is our area most far away, and the most positive. We found a lot of wonderful new investigators there. It really showed me and strengthened my testimony of how the Lord prepares His children to hear the message of His Gospel.

Wednesday we worked with a member of the ward that is preparing to serve a mission. We did quite a bit of service -- we helped some people nail a tarp under their roof to help with the rain, we also chopped with machetes again, like we do every Wednesday. We asked Carlos, the future missionary, to bear his testimony of the Book of Mormon in a lesson. It was so great. I felt the Spirit so strong and really made me realize how important the Restoration is. Joseph Smith really was a prophet.

Thursday I completed three months in the mission. It seems so crazy that it has been that long. It was also our zone meeting which was really good. After that we had our baptism interview with Kimberly, which went really well. We tried to contact after that and literally everyone was rejecting us. It showed me that the mission isn't always super duper easy, almost never, but with His help, we can get through and do anything.

We made pizza on Friday and it was super duper good. We used the oven of a member; I am the only person who knows how to use an oven here. LOL. We also worked with Carlos again. He is great and he is going to be an amazing missionary.

Saturday was a crazy day. We cleaned the font in the morning and then we had the baptism in the afternoon. I had the opportunity to baptize for the first time. I was really really nervous, and basically completely forgot how to baptize. But it was fantastic.

Sunday we had church, which is always fantastic. I love being able to go there and feel the Spirit almost immediately after walking in.

I have been studying the Book of Mormon and I would encourage all reading this to really read that book. Really really read it. My testimony has been strengthened so much from studying it.

Love you all so much. Miss you all so much.
Elder Baller

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