Monday, October 5, 2015

WEEK 13 - Q&A

​1. Andrew - What has been your most spiritual experience so far?
My favorite experience really wasn't mine. We took an hermano who is going to be a missionary pretty soon, and we asked him to bear his testimony of the BOM and Joseph Smith. It was super super powerful, we all felt the Spirit so strong.

2. Lisa Simons - Where did you want conference and what was your favorite talk?
We watched conference at the stake center on a little TV. My favorite talk was from Elder Bednar, I loved it. But also Elder Andersen during the Priesthood session, just the simplicity and his testimony of faith was incredible.

3. Rikke Kotter - What is the weirdest/grossest thing you have eaten so far?​
Mashed corn, like mashed potatoes. In a cup mixed with mayonnaise. Or pasta with BBQ sauce as the sauce.

4. Za'Dariah Dennison - What are ways you relieve your stress while out on the mission?
One of the best ways is through prayer. There is real power in prayer and through prayer we can achieve anything. Whenever I am having a hard time, it is really relieving to just pray quickly and receive the comfort of the Spirit.

5. Suzy Baller - What is your favorite thing about your mission president? And his wife?
I honestly don't have a whole lot of contact with them as of yet, but Hermana Bowler is so loving and kind to all the missionaries, always willing to help with anything that we need.

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