Monday, September 28, 2015

WEEK 12 - Photos

The photos below include Elder Baller's own captions (from a voice recording). Enjoy!

That's our church, from the back. The basketball court that's outside, there's one inside too. It's huge. It's the stake center.

Me, one morning with my breakfast. Kitos. They're like puffs that are spicy. That's my breakfast. Someone gave that to us. Someone just gifted it, which happens quite often.

Same with this -- also a gift. That is juice in a bag. This was actually P-day. I think this is P-day. I don't remember. Yeah, this is P-day because I never wear a shirt, usually just a garment top. So, that's a bag of juice. That's how it is. There's juice like that that's really sweet--that one. And then there's orange juice. Water comes in bags like that. Water in a bag like that size is 1 lempira. And there is one twice as big that is 2 lempiras. Basically the only good water is Agua el Sul. Theirs is basically all the same. But the water in the bag literally tastes like a diaper. It's nasty. They're all clean, they just taste gross. So, if we can, we try to get to get Agua el Sul. But there's like La Tigra, which is nasty. 

This is the family -- the daughter in the middle, the mom, the dad and one of their sons. They have another daughter, another son and another daughter that are all older. They have a son who is like 12, a daughter that's like 18, and a daughter that's like 23. And in the back, there's one of the hermanas that we work with. She looks really sad cause she was sick. But she's okay.

Us with the same family. In the picture, way in the back, there's a girl with pink pants. Behind her, there's a guy and his wife is gringa. She's from the states and speaks English and her husband speaks English. And their son, who's a tiny little son, speaks a little bit of English. 
This was our other investigator who was baptized the same day. She's 19, almost 20. It was the only jumper we had. So it's a little big.

This is our board of English phrases. Ignore the "she is temptation." Nothing else.
Me, with a Honduras shirt that I bought.
Same. If you notice in the bottom left corner, our trash pile is a nightmare. This was on the 20th, which was Sunday. And all that stuff is still there, plus more. The pile's just bigger now. In the back, there's a table. That's my table. That's my table of stuff.

Oh boy. Oh boy. This is my agenda. Because the first agenda that I got didn't have week 5 in it. Every agenda has six weeks and you get a new one every change (transfer). Mine didn't have week 5. So this week, I had no agenda. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, I used three pages that I had left from the CCM. But after that, I had nothing. So I made this lovely work of art, which as you can see, I made on Friday. Our goals, part of our plan, because I thought I was going to be going on divisions, so I didn't write down part of our plan. And you can also see some lempiras - 100, seems like a lot I know, but it's actually like five dollars. And then directly behind my agenda you can see my breakfast, which was bread with honey on it. And if you look to the very back, right corner, there's a bowl with corn flakes in it. Well, not corn flakes, but it's called Multi Cereal. It's got corn flakes, raisins, all this stuff. And ants. Dead ants. Because the first time I opened the bag, I didn't close it tight enough. And the next time I opened it, I closed it really good and they all died inside. And I had no milk, and so I was eating it without milk.
Welcome to my world. Baleades. We made everything on the plate. We made the tortillas. The easiest way to describe this, is that you make masa, and you make it into balls and stretch it out, and then fry it a little bit. It's just a tortilla. And then the brown stuff is beans. Also on top of the plate is beans. And then obviously eggs. And then that while stuff is mate kea (sp?). It's basically the best thing I've ever had. As you can tell, I kind of like it. I don't even know how to describe it. It's kind of like sour cream, but less sour. It's more sweet. It's incredible. I'm going to miss it so much. And I don't know how to make it. I know how to start it, but I don't know how to finish it. And then on top, we have a little bit of extra beans and eggs. That's my plate that I always use. Top right, is my filtration bottle, which is awesome. It will turn Coke into water. And the filter lasts a year, and I have another filter. 

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