Monday, September 28, 2015

WEEK 12 - Hello Everyone

Tuesday we went to Urrutia and talked with Eidy. It is awesome now that she is a member and that we are working with her family.

Wednesday we worked with Carlos in our ward. He is 18 as well. He is preparing for the mission so we are helping him. We first went and chopped the weeds on the side of an investigator's house, which was lovely, considering my hands were already destroyed before we went. After that we went to visit and investigator, but she wasn't there, so we ended up teaching these other hermanas and one of them is super interested. After that we went and taught a new investigator that was a reference from the bishop's wife. He is great.

Thursday we had a district meeting. After that we went to Arauli, and basically weren't able to do much. The work there is really hard, because it is so far away and there is a Catholic church there. The people only go to that church because it is easy. We went to eat at a member's house, a little grandma. While we were walking there, I had a prompting that we should share a scripture with her, D&C 24:7-8. And I shared it with her and talked about it a little. She ended up really needing that scripture, she was having a hard time with something and it helped her. And she told basically the whole ward about me. Gossip.

Friday we went to San Marcos and only taught only lady cause that was all the time we had, and then we went to Urrutia. We might be forming a branch there, which would be awesome, cause the people there struggle to get to the church.

We worked with Carlos again. We taught a couple people and then it started to rain. And boy did it rain. We were soaked. We taught Kimberly. She knew the entire Joseph Smith story. Dates and everything. Like all of it. First Vision to the organization of the church. We also taught the reference of the bishop's wife, Alejandro, again. And he told us that he really wants to be baptized, so he has a date for the 10th. His son as well.

Sunday was the primary program, and it was magnifecent. The kids were awesome. So spiritual.

That's basically all I've got for this week. Les quiero mucho. Les extraño mucho.

Elder Baller

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