Monday, September 21, 2015

WEEK 11 - Q&A

1. Does Danli have fast food restaurants? Have you eaten in any?

Yeah it does. More like sit-down restaurants. But there are also fried chicken places everywhere. We haven't yet.

2. What is something about Honduras that is different from what you expected?

It is super super super dirty. Like when you finish your food, you just throw the garbage one the side of the road.

3. What do people think of Americans in Danli?

They love them. Everyone wants to talk to me. Everyone one says hi, just because I'm a gringo.

4. What do people in Danli do for a living?

Tons of people work at the tobacco factories, there are like five. That or they sell stuff on the streets.

5. How often do you do exchanges?

I have only done them twice, but one was for baptismal interviews.

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