Monday, September 14, 2015

WEEK 10 - Photos

Elder Baller has been sending photos every week the last few weeks and we LOVE it! Looks like this week, the theme was food. :)

I requested an exterior photo of his house... what a good boy. :)

I'm SHOCKED he's drinking Coke. He's not a soda fan. I guess it might be one of the only options. The tiny little square thing on the book is a speaker. I sent it with the iPod and he said he loves listening to the church music on it. I also loaded it with a Christmas playlist for when the time comes.

Not sure why they are in their G's, but whatever. LOL Elder Baller LOVES Elder Alarcon.

Aidan has always been a great cook... and loves to experiment with new recipes. I'm so glad this is one area I didn't need to worry about with him on his mission. He'll eat well for sure. This looks like it could be a breakfast at home.

Oh I LOVE this boy! (And again... why the G's...)

Three grilled cheese one sitting... his appetite hasn't changed apparently.


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