Tuesday was my cumplemes, 2 months in the mission! We contacted our colonia in the morning, we ended up finding some kids, their stepdad is a return missionary, and the sons name is Elder. Coincidence? I think not. For lunch we went to a members house, it was really good, except for the giant slices of cucumber and tomato soaked in lemon juice. Wow. After that we went to Urrutia, we taught Luz, her baptism is on Saturday. We are a little nervous for the interview cause she is timid and doesn't like answering questions. But she will be prepared. Then we went and taught Heidy, her baptism is also on Saturday. SO excited for them. In the evening we taught Katherin, and I didn't really say much but at the end I bore my testimony. I feel like it was good. I just opened my mouth and it was filled.
We went to an investigators house in the work to chop part of his backyard. It was great, except for somehow the tallest person in this country (me) ended up with the smallest machete. LOL. We went to Arauli, with very little success. The work is hard up there cause there are two churches that aren't us up there and it is easy for the people to go there instead of traveling down to Danli. During the middle of the day, someone was calling us from the office of the mission.. Because a lady from Costa Rica needs our help because her parents are from here and she wanted to get in contact with the Stake President. She is really good friends with the boxing girl from Meet the Mormons and so we told her to say hi to her. At night, we had an awesome lesson with Ingrid. She is super smart and super interested in everything we teach her.
We had our district meeting in the morning. After that we went to a chinese? place here. I don't know why it is here. But it was way too much food for like 6 people and me and my companion shared it. After that we went to Quiquiske, we met some insane girls that had weird joke questions. Then we went to a members house, and her grandchildren LOVE me. We played a game with them where you write someone famous on a piece of paper and then trade it with someone and put it on your forehead. So you don't know who you are and you have to ask questions to figure it out. And one of her grandkids wrote down me as his famous person. And then when we left, he grabbed onto my leg and asked me to take him with us. LOL. After that we went to Katherin's. There was a giant tarantula on the wall, and they wanted us to kill it, so I sacrificed my shoe and Elder Alarcon killed it. After that we went to dinner at a member's house. She is a cute little grandma and her sister was there. Her sister when we were leaving asked us to pray for this kid that lives next to her because she was worried about him. Really showed me the faith that people have.
On Friday, we finished chopping the Hermana's house. Which was super fun. And hot. And hard. But really it was great. Service is one of my favorite things here. After that we had a cita and no time for lunch so we bought tortillas, avocado, and beans from a pulperia and made "baleadas". After that we went to prepare Luz and Heidy for their baptisms more. Quality. For dinner we went to a less active's. We helped her move the other day and so she asked us to dedicate her house, with permission from the bishop. It was a little different.
We helped a lady set up for a baby shower in the morning. It was boring and service. After that we contacted and taught a few lessons. While we were walking, there were some teenagers that asked us about polygamy. Weird. Then we had another awesome lesson with Ingrid. And then the people across the street from us had a party until about 1 in the morning. Simply lovely.
We had church. Hardly anyone came because this week is the independence of Honduras so all the schools do a march. It was empty. After Church we went to Urrutia to prepare Luz and Heidy for their baptisms.
I love you all so much. I miss you all so much!
Elder Baller
Monday, September 14, 2015
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