Monday, October 5, 2015

WEEK 13 - Hello

Hello everyone, this week was quite lovely.

Tuesday morning was basically just waiting for a call from the Zone Leaders to see who has changes in our district. When it finally came, we found out that two Hermanas in our district had changes--one in our ward, which we were sad about. The rest of the day, we just worked normally because we didn't have changes. We went to one of our investigator's house at around 7 and we had dinner at 8 at a member's. We ended up talking to him until 8:30 because he loves to talk.

Wednesday we decided to try out a new area, Ocoba, that we have driven through but never actually stayed in. It is awesome. Very, very positive work there. Then we went and did some service for an investigator, chopping the weeds on the side of his house. By now my hands don't hurt cause they are so accustomed to the machete. Finally. Then we went and talked with the same investigator again because he is super, super positive and will be getting baptized this Saturday or the next. And because we talked with him until 9 this time, we went to dinner and she just gave us the plates and we went home and ate there.

We got new people in our zone, which is awesome. We got a new ZL and two new Hermanas in our district. We went to the Chinese place again for lunch. What the weird. Then we went to Ocoba again.

Friday we just worked, nothing really special. Our convert is reading the Book of Mormon on her own, which is awesome.

Saturday we had conference. It is a super chill weekend for us. We all meet at the stake center and all the gringos got to watch it in English together. Everyone just kinda hangs out cause their areas are so far away. Super super fun.

Sunday was the same. We brought investigators to watch conference. In the middle of conference, the power went out. It was crazy. Great day.

Love you all so much. Miss you all.
Elder Baller

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