Monday, June 6, 2016

WEEK 48 - Q&A

1. (Suzy Baller) Is there anything in Honduras (landscape, weather, people, etc.) that reminds you of Utah? 
A lot of the mountains remind me of Utah, other than that not a whole lot.

2. (Hilary Cheney) What's the question you get asked the most?
If in the States there are trees with dollars growing on them...

3. (Troy & Heidy Baller) What is the nastiest thing you've eaten?
I ate an iguana last week. That was interesting.

4. (Lisa Simons) What are your favorite hymns in Spanish that sound better to you in Spanish than English?
Asombro Me Da is one of the best ones. It is I Stand All Amazed.

5. (Ryan Orgill) What is your current favorite scripture?
Alma 26:27

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