Monday, June 13, 2016

WEEK 49 - Q&A

(All questions this week were provided by Elder Baller's Uncle Ryan - THANK YOU, Ryan!)

1. What could your Young Men and Sunday School classes have done differently to help prepare you to be a missionary?
I feel like they did a really good job. I would say that any lack of knowledge I had because of my own lack of effort. Maybe they could have forced me a little more to work and learn the gospel.

2. When you wake up each morning what part of your day do you look forward to the most? 
Just getting out and working. Teaching this beautiful gospel.

3. What part of your daily routine do you least look forward to?
Not a specific thing, but about 3 in the afternoon is always a tough time. Just hot and we always get tired right then.

4. What do you admire most about your mission president?
He is a very sincere person. He is honest and lives the gospel.

5. Who is your favorite bald uncle on your mother's side of the family?
Hahahaha. Ryan.

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